Friday, April 10, 2009

History Channel Alert/Patton 360

Tonight at 9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time the History Channel will be premiering a new series: "Patton 360." Here is the link to the History Channel's website explaining the series and including some biographical information about the General:

Tonight's episode "Blood & Guts" will focus on the period November-December 1942, when the United States and Britain invaded North Africa in "Operation Torch." According to Wikipedia, Patton commanded the so-called Western Task force, tasked with capturing Casablanca. The task force included the U.S. 2d Armored Division and the 9th and 3d Infrantry division.

For those of you who have seen the 1970 movie bearing the General's name, you will recall that the movie's story begins AFTER the allies have taken Casablanca.
Enjoy !